Ocean Future Lab Hackathon
Featured image by Christian Palmer

How do we want to live with the oceans?
The Ocean Future Lab Hackathon is a collaborative format for idea development and idea acceleration.
Within a limited time frame, it enables young, passionate teams of entrepreneurs and experts to find innovative and sustainable solutions in the fight against ocean issues.
The Ocean Future Lab Hackathon provides a space to push ideas forward, drive innovation and to create new value propositions. The best ideas selected by the jury and the public will be presented at the Entrepreneurship Summit 2022. And there’s more to come! Parallel to the Hackathon, the Science Slam will take place to share insights and scientific facts and provide inspiration to a broader audience. Furthermore, the visualizations of the workshop narratives executed by Filmuniversity students will be shown.
Let’s change the world and create a more sustainable future together!
When? 21-23 September 2022
Where? Online on Slack and Zoom
The Ocean Future Lab is a project of the “Science Year 2022 – Participate!” and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Partners are the German Alliance of Marine Research, the Institute for Art and Innovation, the German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund and the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven.
Get your free ticket now: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/390343938227
Let us know about your ideas and actions. Join our movement – participate in our events and become part of our network. Together we can make change happen!
The Ocean Future Lab is a project of the “Science Year 2022 – Participate!” and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The German Marine Research Alliance (DAM) was founded in 2019 by German marine research together with the federal government and the northern German federal states. Its goal is to strengthen the sustainable use of the coasts, seas and oceans through research and transfer, data management and digitization as well as the coordination of infrastructures. To this end, the DAM develops solution-oriented knowledge together with its member institutions and ensures a target group-specific exchange of knowledge and dialogue with society.
The German Maritime Museum Foundation in Stralsund is officially one of the cultural beacons in the new federal states. The museum interests people in the nature of the seas and coasts. It touches, moves and sensitizes people and thus contributes to changing their thinking and behavior towards the natural environment.
The German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven is a research museum of the Leibniz Association and a place of education and dialogue. At the core of his work are maritime issues of relevance to society as a whole.
The Institute for Art and Innovation supports and promotes the interaction of art and innovation to promote social-ecological and digital transformation. It has been working in a multidisciplinary and cross-thematic manner since 2017. In order to drive social innovations, a variety of interaction and cooperation formats are used to achieve complementarity between different disciplines and to generate different types of knowledge. The focus lies on the common good for future generations within the framework of the planetary boundaries.
The German Science Year 2022 – Participate!
The “Science Year 2022 – Participate!” invites all citizens to pose their own personal question for science and thus provide impulses for potential future fields and future research projects. These science years are initiatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) together with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). For 22 years, these events have supported the mediation between scientific research and the public.