Innovations for sustainable positive futures – Co-creating desirable scenarios for the year 2050

04.06. – 09.06.2023
In the Sustainable Futures Camp groups from Croatia, Germany, Greece, Finland, Malta and Poland got together in a rural one-week camp, 60km from Berlin. There they had nature experiences and explorations and reconnected to indigenous wisdom. Furthermore, partakers formed groups of 4 people, ideated and accelerated their concepts to spread knowledge about positive futures supporting the convivial conversation and needed socio-ecological transformation.
Overview of module
In this module, 9 partner organisations incl. 45 students and 25 lecturers joined. We aimed to focus on positive scenarios in order to reflect and change current lifestyles, normative values and contemporary culture of the Anthropocene. It is upon us as globalized, increasingly urban societies to envision and implement new ways of socio-ecological transformation and creative visions for social cohesion and well-being of humans, as well as the health of the planet. Creativity and imagination as a common basis was the starting point for strategically considered communication processes and new media formats that can spark public discourse about sustainable visions.
Our major topic focused on Green Transformation in Media and Arts.
Subtopics included other topics, e.g. Anthropocene Kitchen – How to organise food production and consumption for 9 bn people on planet Earth? or Food Trends based on Regenerative Farming facing climate change.
As a result of this one-week-workshop, visions of ideal places were researched, envisioned and described. Appropriate media formats got conceptualised to transfer these ideas to accelerate green transformation forwards positive futures. These serve as visions or missions conveying intentions and values of the participating teams, in search of addressing issues causing climate change.
In the first two preparatory workshops (02.05/ 09.05.) participants learned about challenges and international agreements to cope with the Anthropocenic issues. More research was done individually, and findings were presented to all.
The following two preparatory workshops (23.05./ 30.05.) gave participants an overview of the Art For Futures Lab method and how positive futures can be envisioned. Attendees learned about Futures Literacy, and how to develop narratives of a 2050 scene based on future trends.
To make it easy and simple, sustainable and regenerative futures were envisioned based on already existing innovations that had been introduced in the beginning of the workshop. The local groups of the partner organisations further researched of local challenges and inspiring social initiatives, innovations or startups in local areas as well.
The co-created concepts/prototypes developed in the Sustainable Futures Camp (04.06. – 09.06.) can be further developed during the EU project. The prototypes and production plans can are then to be discussed with specific scientists and media experts.
About the location
The Projektraum-Drahnsdorf is a natural and inspiring place for projects, seminars, team retreats and celebrations. Based on the concept of creative action, the association understands that all creative activity takes place out of a field having inspiring effects on actions. The simultaneity of the past, the present and what is to come makes the place special: much of the old days has been preserved. In many rooms there is historical furniture in its original condition in order to preserve the original, rural atmosphere of this estate. But there is also convenience, modern technologies and methods that are needed today to find out what could be tomorrow. A large linden tree and chestnut tree have stood in the garden since the founding years, which bear witness to the fact that it was once laid out like a park. In GDR times, a kindergarten with green niches was created. There are spacious lawns for parties on a total of 7000 square metres, as well as small booths for retreat and study.
Address: ProjektRaum Drahnsdorf, Dorfstraße 17, 15938 Drahnsdorf