The Algaeurant
Usedom’s 2025 community thrives on ecological values, sharing algae-based nourishment openly, even with a surprising spy-turned-collaborator.
Usedom’s 2025 community thrives on ecological values, sharing algae-based nourishment openly, even with a surprising spy-turned-collaborator.
The vision is an agricultural cooperative between fish and humans where algae fields are protected areas to serve the marine species.
Our future is not in outer space but in the ocean. If this deep sear research station is developed then we can duplicate mobile stations.
Our future is not in outer space but in the ocean. If this deep sear research station is developed then we can duplicate mobile stations.
The organizer of a campus on the terrestrial site of Rostock is responsible for the floating research station. It is an Ocean Tech Campus, where 16 scientific institutes with 2000 experts work together in an interdisciplinary way.
The Ocean Future Lab Hackathon is a collaborative format for idea development and idea acceleration.
Within a limited time frame, it enables young, passionate teams of entrepreneurs and experts to find innovative and sustainable solutions in the fight against ocean issues.
The oceans provide breathing oxygen and food for more than a third of humanity. They offer work and relaxation, as well as places of longing and fascinating habitats full of species.